Manga making videos

Manga making videos

Here are the manga making videos available on my YouTube channel.

If you prefer reading, find all the related article on my manga making page.


These videos quickly cover the basics of building a manga story. Going from finding a story idea, to building the outline of your story.

Finding ideas for your manga story
Writing the outline of your manga story
Making your manga story captivating using storytelling techniques
Writing the script of your manga

Drawing Techniques

These video are intended for people beginning in drawing manga. They include video on drawing characters.

Drawing manga character’s head

These videos introduce the basis of drawing manga character’s face facing different directions.

Drawing a manga character’s head facing front
Drawing a manga character’s head profile
Drawing a manga character’s head from a 3/4 angle
Drawing an adult manga character’s body – Part 1 – Mannequin
Drawing an adult manga character’s body – Part 2 – Realistic body


The videos in this section address various technical topics around manga making.

Digitising your manga pages using a smartphone or tablet computer.

Do not hesitate to ask if you are interested in some specific content.

See you!
